Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Getting Started with Arduino

Learning starts with failure; the first failure is the beginning of education (John Hersey)

Sumber Gambar:

Alur penggunaan Arduino, khusus pada Windows OS mulai dari menghubungkan Arduino board ke PC hingga meng-upload sketch pertama Anda: (Sumber:
  1. Siapkan Arduino board dan kabel USB
  2. Download software Arduino (IDE)
  3. Hubungkan board ke PC
  4. Instal driver
  5. Launch aplikasi Arduino
  6. Buat program blink
  7. Pilih board yang akan digunakan (dalam hal ini Arduino/Genuino Uno)
  8. Pilih Serial Port
  9. Upload program ke board

Sumber Gambar: wikipedia

Edison failed 10.000 times before he made the electric light. Do not be discouraged if you fail a few times (Napoleon Hill)

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